Who We Are

Our Mission

Hope Changes Everything is a public charity that provides people with hope and faith during an otherwise hopeless situation or a tragic life changing event they are experiencing or enduring.

Striving to make people smile and thrive as we are all united as one.




Tina is a single mother to a 22 year old daughter who had a unique set of challenges due to an extremely rare genetic disorder who peacefully passed away in her arms.ย 

After years in the corporate world, she made the significant decision to transition to a full-time caregiver and advocate for her child’s special needs.

Her resilience is further highlighted by her personal battle with cancer, from which she is now thankfully in remission. Driven by her experiences, Tina has become a staunch advocate for disability-related causes. Her compassion extends deeply, resonating with anyone who has endured traumatic events, medical issues, or disabilities, whether firsthand or within their family.

Guided by a profound belief, Tina holds that those dear ones who have passed away continue to live on through the actions and deeds of the living. By honoring them through our lives, we keep their memory alive. She firmly believes that these loved ones are in a blissful afterlife, still close to us, offering support and guidance.


DISCLAIMER: this non profit is intended to inspire and support you on your journey towards healing.ย I am not a psychologist or a medical doctor and do not offer any professional health or medical advice.ย If you are suffering from any psychological or medical conditions, please seek help from a qualified health professional.